Spring by Angela Mia
  • Angela Mia

  • Spring

  • Bronze
  • Spring marks the culmination of 'The Four Seasons' series, an ode to the changing tapestry of nature and life. As the series draws to a close, 'Spring' emerges as a testament to the eternal cycle of rebirth and renewal. It captures the delicate essence of a season that ushers in new beginnings, with each bud and bloom echoing the promise of growth and transformation. In its purest form, 'Spring' embodies the unspoiled beauty of nature, offering a timeless reminder of the enduring cycles of life. ‘Spring’ welcomes us into her world of freshness and tender youth, where innocence and purity hang the moon.

    1/2 Life-size AP - SOLD OUT
    1/2 Life-size - SOLD OUT
    Life-size - 21 x 18 x 16 Bronze Ed. 30 - $7,000